The latest came yesterday, when he maliciously, and very late, chose to stamp on Johann Elmander's crotch as Elmander was laying prostrate and nowhere near the ball. It was a disgraceful act (I don't see how you can even call it a challenge) and if the referee had seen it he would have been sent off. But because the referee didn't see it, the Football Association will have jurisdiction. I can't see anything less than a three match ban, and Huddlestone might deserve more.
This type of thing might be forgiven if he were still a fresh faced 19-year-old, but Huddlestone has been in the first team for five seasons now, and should be well past this sort of behavior. It is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen anyone do on a football pitch. He could practically be charged with assault. As a professional footballer, maybe he would like some bejeweled handcuffs. They could bring even more attention to him after such a cowardly act.
1 comment:
The ref did see it, not a foul, no ban
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